Monday, 11 January 2016

Tim Brown Video

1) Tim Brown Video: Tales of creativity and play

What I think about the video is that Tim Brown brought up a very useful and creative way for an adult to think creatively on their work or projects and he also mentions on ways for us to work better by putting some playing time in it. An example of designing the work place into a fun place to work such as google office in swiss where they have slides in the building. This kind of designs makes the office not boring. If possible, it will be fun if NAFA or the lecturer can implement this kind of techniques in their way of teaching. This will make the students feel better and always looking forward to come to school. An example of giving more practical lesson rather then just plain theory such as outdoor activities or excursion. Further more, the design of the school can be design in a manner where student can release their stress and comfortably do their work or projects. All this can help the students have a better and creative idea on their task given in school. This will also help the school to have more student interested in joining NAFA for their further studies.

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